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Sunday School

First Christian Church Harrison Arkansas

Children and Youth

10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Ages 3 - 1st grade

2nd -5th grade

Chi -Rho Youth - 6th - 8th grade

CYF Youth - 9th -12th grade

Mustard Seeds

A group of welcoming individuals with diverse religious backgrounds and various ages. We share wisdom from life experiences, and study God's word and Christian philosophy while growing our faith from tiny mustard seeds. Matthew 17:20

Fountain of Life

This class’s philosophy is to study and grow together in Christian fellowship and love through our study of the Bible. (Ages 35-70)

Open Door

This class represents a wide range of age but primarily of Seniors. They tend to have a teacher and study by books of the bible as their study guide.


This class was organized in 1973 by a small group of people who were searching for a different approach to Sunday School than what was being offered in the established Sunday school classes. "The Seekers" was chosen as the new name and the name has proven to be an adequate description of that class. The Seekers do not have a designated teacher but share that responsibility on a rotating basis. Materials for study are chosen by the class and may or may not be the same as other classes are using. The class has remained small, and everyone enters the presentation of each lesson. There is opportunity for much discussion on various materials pertinent to the daily walk with Christ.


The Hearthstone class was organized on February 12, 1951. The age limit was set from high school to age 28. Monthly socials were held for many years until 1966. After that, they were only held on special occasions. Later in 1972, this group formed what was known as The Fifty Plus Club, which was later named The Lunch Bunch and still exists until this day. The class has been enjoying tapes produced by names like Max Lucado, Philip Yancey, David Frazee, etc. This class was started as a young couples class that no one left, and has become the older people at First Chrisitan Church. 

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